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Publications of DYSONA – Applied Science
- Preliminary agronomic characterization of japonica rice carrying a tiller number mutation under greenhouse conditions
- Improving landslide susceptibility mapping in semi-arid regions using machine learning and geospatial techniques
- The thermal properties, pasting properties, and crystallinity of complementary food made from soybeans flour and dragon fruit peel powder
- Spatial-temporal patterns of agricultural drought severity in the Lake Urmia Basin, Iran: A cloud-based integration of multi-temporal and multi-sensor remote sensing data
- Building retrofit for energy efficiency in existing buildings: A case study of a social residential building in France
- Dynamic simulation of abrasive wear in grain threshing units
- Exploring socioeconomic vulnerability and natural disasters impacts on water access in Southwestern Bangladesh
- Flash flood prioritization assessment using morphometric analysis in the coastal region of the Eastern Mediterranean
- Radiation effects on dengue vectors: A systematic review
- Machine learning-based optimization of flood susceptibility mapping in semi-arid zone
- Assessing urban resilience of Khulna City in response to environmental and socioeconomic challenges
- Monitoring temporal changes of the Qattinah Lake surface area using Landsat data and Google Earth Engine
- Growth and biochemical response of basil to foliar-applied garlic extract
- Assessing LULC dynamics in Kirkuk City, Iraq using Landsat imagery and maximum likelihood classification
- Integrated RUSLE-GIS modeling for enhancing soil erosion management in Ghamima River Basin, Syria
- An analysis of hydrologic dynamics in Hamrin Lake, Iraq using remote sensing and GIS techniques
- Machine learning-based modeling of Syrian agricultural GDP trends: A comparative analysis
- Fluvial anomaly as indicator of tectonically active landscapes: A study in the Darjeeling Sikkim Himalaya, India
- Climate change assessment in middle and northern Saudi Arabia: Alarming trends
- Assessment of grape cultivar traits and environmental adaptation in the Absheron Peninsula, Azerbaijan
- Comprehensive analysis of Botryosphaeriaceae-induced panicle and shoot blight and its management strategies
- Investigating the effects of Trichoderma harzianum and plant compost on maize growth and Fusarium root rot management under greenhouse conditions
- Crossbreeding Hazaragie ewes with Turki rams and its effect on lamb growth and weight gain
- Investigation of Tobacco Etch Virus (TEV) multiplication at different developmental stages in pepper
- Proline in action: Enhancing fruit quality
- Potato waste reduction mechanisms: Evidence from Bamyan province, Afghanistan
- Modulation of physico-chemical traits and lipid profile in broiler meat through moringa and garlic supplementation
- Assessing the impact of moringa and garlic supplementation on egg production and quality in laying hens
- Navigating drought in Kunduz province, Afghanistan: insights from experts’ perspectives
- Unveiling soil and groundwater salinity dynamics and its impact on date palm yield in Southern Basrah, Iraq
- Zinc and boron foliar application, An influential treatment on the quality and seed yield of soybean
- Exploring the influence of sulfur on the growth and yield of mustard (Brassica juncea) in the Thal region
- Enhancing phosphorus availability in calcareous soil through the incorporation of organic acids
- Theoretical thermal efficiency of conventional steam reforming of groundnut shell
- Leaves attributes and water use effeciency of potatoes grown under water stress after cycocel, salicylic acid, and humic acid sprays
- The variations in chemical composition, antioxidant capacity, and pasting properties of Fonio sourdoughs
- Selecting a new citrus rootstock for Satsuma (Citrus unshiu Marc.) in the Syrian coast
- The impact of spatial and temporal shifts on Orontes River water quality parameters
- Chitosan as a growth stimulator of moringa (Moringa oleifera L.) under in vitro conditions
- Physical characteristics of in vitro date palm cultures under the influence of polyethylene glycol induced water stress and brassinosteroid treatment
- Explant type influences callus induction and shoots organogenesis in papaya under in vitro conditions
- Estimation of soil water erosion using RUSLE, GIS, and remote sensing in Obibia River watershed, Anambra, Nigeria
- Evaluating image segmentation as a valid method to estimate walnut anthracnose and blight severity
- The biochemical attributes of African star apple fruits are influenced by salicylic acid treatment during ambient storage
- Effects of structure, purity, and alignment on the heat conduction properties of a nanostructured material comprising carbon nanotubes
- Microbiological, physical, and chemical assessment of palm oil under ginger extracts and sterilization treatment
- Evaluating the potential soil erosion rate based on RUSLE model, GIS, and RS in Khawabi river basin, Tartous, Syria
- Combining ability and heterosis for yield and some fruit traits of tomato
- Insecticidal action of mineral-based fertilizers towards Aphis pomi on apple trees
- Evaluating phytomanagement as a biological reclamation method of salt-affected soils
- Nutritional composition of fermented and extruded blends of cassava and African yam beans flour
- Adventitious shoot proliferation from callus of Gerbera jamesonii young leaf explant
- Single-pass tillage combined with herbicides and rice stubbles enhances weed control and yield of rapeseed in Bangladesh
- The growth, viability, and blood indices of broiler fed on papaya, black cumin, and mustard seed powder supplemented diets
- Bioconversion of white sorghum biomass using MixAlco fermentation process
- Developing a postharvest color changes identification system of melon rind using image processing
- Gamma radiation influence on germination characteristics of barley
- In vitro effects of cyanobacteria (Oscillatoria tenuis) extracellular products on date palm (Phoenix dactylifera L. cv. ‘Barhee’) propagation
- Effect of different concentrations of benzyl adenine on the shoot multiplication of tulip (Tulipa gesneriana L. cv. Arma) buds
- Effect of soil mulch, phosphorus levels and humic acid spray on the growth and green pods yield of broad bean
- Effect of potassium and micronutrient fertilization on the activity of catalase and yield of wheat grown in saline conditions
- Radiation hazards assessment of phosphate fertilizers used in Latifiyah region, Iraq
- Effect of ammonium content in nutrition solution on vitamin C, phenols, and antioxidant capacity of three apple cultivars during cold storage
- Distribution of soil organic matter in the coastal region of Syria: a case study
- Effect of foliar fertilization in Coscia Pear seedlings on vegetative growth and biochemical characteristics
- Data visualization metrics between theoretic view and real implementations: A review
- CO2 emissions in calcareous soil under various manure additions and water availability levels
- The effect of biocide 2 CHIMEC 7660 on N80 steel corroded by bacterial corrosion
- Wastewater treatment efficiency of an experimental MBBR system under different influent concentrations
- The influence of various levels of ammonium to total nitrogen on post-harvest performance of three apple cultivars (Golab Kohans, Gala, and Granny Smith)
- Evaluation of tetraploid induction in forage sorghum cultivar “Omid-Bakhsh” using colchicine treatment
Publications of DYSONA – Life Science
- Antifungal activity of some plant extracts against Macrophomina phaseolina
- The interplay of blood electrolytes and triglycerides in type 2 diabetes mellitus
- The interaction between DEP-A and DEP-B enzymes with nivalenol mycotoxin and its oxidized structure: A bioinformatic investigation
- Potato late blight: the pathogen, the menace, the sustainable control
- Tumor necrosis factor alpha and anemia in chronic kidney disease patients: Insights from a Nigerian case-control study
- Unveiling the impact of tea (Camellia sinensis) seed oil on kidney function indices and antioxidant defense system in male albino rats
- Computational assessment of gut microbiota metabolite enterolactone as a promising Aβ42 inhibitor in Alzheimer’s disease
- The prevalence of asymptomatic bacteriuria in pregnant women in Akure, Ondo State, Nigeria
- The biological activity of some medicinal plant aqueous extracts in inhibiting the growth of pathogenic Gram-negative and Gram-positive bacteria
- An overview of hypoxia-induced oxidative stress and NRF2 role in breast cancer progression
- Myasthenia gravis symptom response to huperzine A, pyridostigmine bromide, and an immunomodulatory incorporated regimen: A multi-case study
- The effectiveness of organic kitchen waste as a repellent against German cockroaches (Blattella germanica L.)
- Investigation of the axial skeleton of Bengal monitor lizard (Varanus bengalensis): A macroanatomical study
- Overlapping pathophysiological pathways between sarcopenia and chronic diseases
- Steady-state electrocardiograms and disease severity of childhood sickle cell anemia in Calabar, Nigeria
- In silico pharmacokinetic analysis of Morinda citrifolia phytochemicals and their potential antagonistic effect on prostatic carcinoma proteins
- Screening of hospital fomites and hands of healthcare workers for Metallo-β-Lactamase producing Gram-negative bacteria in Mubi general hospital Nigeria
- Is malaria parasitemia influenced by blood group in pregnant women? A Nigerian case study
- Phenotypic and molecular detection of multi-drug resistant Enterobacteriaceae species from water sources in Adamawa-North senatorial zone, Nigeria
- Determination of malaria rapid diagnostic test effectiveness compared to microscopy (Gold standard)
- Is malaria cases frequency correlated with the environmental and demographic composition at Mitzic medical center in Gabon?
- In silico binding site detection of ivermectin with influenza A virus NS1 protein
- Comparative study on the viability of Vero cells stored under various levels of cryopreservation variables
- Molecular developments in cell models of fatty liver disease
- Deep learning in plant science: A mini-review
- Citrus blast and black pit disease: A review
- Proximate, phytochemical, mineral composition and antioxidant activity of Anacardium occidentale L. leaf powder
- Possible recrudescence of onchocerciasis within Kaduna metropolis: microfilariae load and transmission potential posed by blackfly
- In-vitro trypanocidal activity of ethanolic and aqueous extracts of Terminalia catappa leaf
- A new record for the invasive aquatic fern Azolla filiculoides Lam. in the White Nile, Sudan
- In vitro accumulation potentials of heavy metals in big-sage (Lantana camara L.) plant
- The production of α-amylase enzyme from Iraqi isolate of Bacillus thuringiensis using agricultural-based media
- Antibacterial activity of Capparis spinosa honey against Staphylococcus aureus and Escherichia coli
- Neuroprotective effects of α-Lipoic acid alone and in combination with ferulic acid in diabetic neuropathy induced rats
- Bioactivity of some regular and Nano encapsulated essential oils against C. maculatus and C. chinensis
- In silico study of dynamic level interaction between cLF36 peptide and coronavirus surface protein in Bovine coronavirus
- Effects of some heavy metal pollutants on liver and kidney performance of mullet captured from Tubruk harbor comparing to Umm Hufayan lagoon
- Retrospective study of bacterial Infections among children under six years in Diyala governorate, Iraq
- In-vivo study of the anti-diabetic effect of Ballota saxatilis
- Heavy metal phytoremediation potential of CYP4502E1 expressing A. thaliana and S. grandiflora plants
- In silico study of various antiviral drugs, vitamins, and natural substances as potential binding compounds with SARS-CoV-2 main protease
- Bacteriological contamination status and phytochemical characteristics of Al-Chibayish marsh regional plants
- A descriptive study for the strategic role of human resource flexibility as a full model of organizational ambidexterity in Isfahan Payame Noor University
- Genetic similarity comparison between some Iranian and Middle Eastern sheep breeds using mitochondrial control region sequencing
- The corrective effect of an NASM based resistance exercise on genu varum deformity in teenage football players
- The study of purified secondary metabolites extracts of Bacillus subtilis and its chemotaxis effect on biofilm-forming bacteria